Because Kindness Matters: Random Act of Kindness II
It has always struck me the fact that students hardly ever greet their teachers when they meet or come across in the school corridors. It...
Because Kindness Matters: Random Act of Kindness
This is the letter students and teachers have received to become aware of the importance of being kind to others. This has also been the...
Fairy Tales with a Twist
A few months ago, I compiled some of the best read aloud and read along websites for children. The tales you can find there are so varied...
The Snowman: project and final product
The Snowman, Raymond Brigg´s book without words, has come to life. Now the characters in it speak and the story has been arranged in a...
Storytime for Kids
Today, just one day before the Three Magi arrive in town to deliver gifts for all children, I come to you with a present which can be as...
A Merry Christmas with Augmented Reality
I fell in love with Augmented Reality as soon as I got to know about it and, since then, I haven´t stopped thinking about the various...
Jornada de convivència a bord de "Lo Roget"
Estimats alumnes, El proper dimarts sortirem cap a Ascó per realitzar una activitat de convivència entre alumnes i professors dins del...
Celebrem el dia de la Biblioteca
Estimats alumnes, L´institut Flix vol celebrar el dia de la biblioteca el proper 24 d´octubre i per això us animem a participar en la...
Infographic: A Narrative Text
Dear Passengers, Who does not know the story of Little Red Riding Hood? The tale tells the story of a girl who goes to visit her...
Idioms: relationships
Dear Passengers, We have been dealing with idioms related to family and relationships. Now that you know the meaning of an idiom cannot...